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What would you like to submit?
Were there any other witnesses to this paranormal event that you can put us in contact with to interview?
Do you give The Real Ghosts Of Podcast permission to use your story or location on the podcast, and agree to the terms & conditions below?

Terms & Conditions:

All submissions can and may be edited by The Real Ghosts Of Podcast. All contact information will be kept confidential and will never be sold to any third parties or shared publicly unless consent is given. If you would like your name and/or location to remain anonymous, please note this in your message.


The Real Ghosts Of Podcast only investigates hauntings of locations. We do not deal with attachments or possessions of individuals. Through the course of the investigation, if we have reason to believe that a personal attachment is present, we reserve the right to discontinue the investigation. All efforts will be made to refer participants to an applicable expert who may be able to help. However, we do still accept personal stories as submissions for our Wine & Spirits episodes.


If you have any other questions or concerns, please email us at

Thanks for submitting!

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